The Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Technology and professors of graduate programs attended meetings to discuss and exchange knowledge in order to formulate a strategic plan for accepting graduate students. by SWOT analysis to find strengths and weaknesses Create opportunities and resolve obstacles 
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Meet the SDGs, the second goal of eliminating hunger. achieve food security Promote sustainable agriculture (ZeroHunger) subheading 2.5  National Hunger Indicator 2.5.2 Events for local farmers and food producers: Provide events for local farmers and foodproducers to connect and transfer knowledge. The technology transfer project for 
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SDGs Goal 14: Conserve and sutainably use the oceans,seas and marine resources for sustainable development (Life Below Water) subheading 14.2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education Indicator 14.2.2  Sustainable fisheries (community outreach): Offer educational programme or outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, 
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On 17-18 August 2015, Faculty of Technology University. Events International Symposium: Symposium Research graduate ASEAN 2 (The 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IPSFAB 2015) Meeting Room 201 Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University The opening ceremony began with the report speech by Dean 
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Last year The 1st International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IPSFAB 2014) was a success. There were approximately 80 attendees from 9 nations, 14 oral presenters from Thailand, China, Cambodia and Croatia and 36 poster presenters from Thailand and China. Those included foreign guests; the 
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